Four Points to Ponder

When your nonprofit promises what others value and keeps it promises, the number of clients served increases, client retention increases, and donor generosity and loyalty increases. […]


Everything is a Project

Projects are often appealing to small donors and sporadic volunteers. Most people like projects better than processes. A project has a start and an end. It has a goal. It is measurable. […]



When money is tight, the competition is keen. The competitive advantage goes to the agency that can best meet the donor’s goals while serving its own mission. […]


Growth is a Fundraising Tool

As we approach the start of a new year, it is time to set goals for 2010. Does the board understand how important their goal setting is to the success of next year’s fundraising? Is the board setting goals that will energize the donor base, referral sources, and staff and volunteers? […]


Effective Fundraising

Fundraising is easier when the board’s actions support the fundraising message. In addition, the agency is more unified and sustainable. A collateral or coincidental benefit is an increase in clients, volunteers, collaborations, and donations. […]


Nonprofit Fundraising – Working Smarter

The demand for services is up and the availability of money is down. Foundations are cutting back. The competition for donations and grants is very keen. The increased demand for services and inflation will ensure that costs increase. Do you have a strategy? […]


Tough times for nonprofit fundraising

Are these tough times to raise funds? Only if you use the same techniques you used last year. Use a different technique and you will get different results. Are last year’s results worth repeating? […]


Preventable Losses

Is there any reason a nonprofit should loose a donor? The easiest donors to keep are the passionate, loyal donors. […]
