Growth is a Fundraising Tool

As we approach the start of a new year, it is time to set goals for 2010. Does the board understand how important their goal setting is to the success of next year’s fundraising? Is the board setting goals that will energize the donor base, referral sources, and staff and volunteers? […]


Increasing Donations

Donations are down and the economy is being blamed. While it is easy to agree that the economy is having an impact, it is doubtful that the economy is having the impact people project. […]


Fundraising Volunteers

The nonprofit has a choice raise more money or make excuses. The downturn in the economy makes fundraising more difficult. The foundations have less. Government has less. Donors have less. Those are the excuses. […]


Effective Fundraising

Fundraising is easier when the board’s actions support the fundraising message. In addition, the agency is more unified and sustainable. A collateral or coincidental benefit is an increase in clients, volunteers, collaborations, and donations. […]


Nonprofit Fundraiser

Fundraisers are a waste of time, effort, and annoy people. If that were true, why would you hold one? The common answer is because we need the money. Are you raising enough money to justify the time, effort, and ill will? […]


Nonprofit Donations Versus the Economy

Without regard for how hard or easy it might be, it is the job of the development department and executive staff to raise funds for the mission and the clients. It is certainly true that a strong economy makes fundraising easier. It is equally true that a weak economy makes fundraising difficult. […]


Nonprofit Fundraising – Direct Mail

Direct mail is less effective than ever. The reasons are well known. Your nonprofit is likely to starve if it depends on direct mail. It is unusual for major donors to respond to direct mail. […]


Nonprofit Fundraising – The value of a good idea

Since donations are down, something is broken. If it is broken, fix it. Avoid at all costs the temptation to reinvent it. […]


Nonprofit Fundraising – Making the Smart Appeal

What are you going to do to make your nonprofit stand out in this highly competitive field? The number of appeals we each receive is increasing. Every nonprofit is looking for more donors. They are all hopeful that their appeal will resonate with the reader. […]


Nonprofit Fundraising – Working Smarter

The demand for services is up and the availability of money is down. Foundations are cutting back. The competition for donations and grants is very keen. The increased demand for services and inflation will ensure that costs increase. Do you have a strategy? […]
