The Best Differentiator: Culture

What makes your nonprofit unique? The answers we hear are oldest nonprofit in the sector, first nonprofit to offer X, only nonprofit on the southside, free parking, lowest price, faith based, and the biggest nonprofit serving that need.

Our focus is helping struggling nonprofits return to vitality. Therefore, most of the nonprofits we work with […]


Knowing the Client

What you know about your nonprofit’s clients can provide you with a significant competitive advantage. […]


Who Creates Your Brand?

Do the people who create your nonprofit’s brand know how important they are to the brand? […]


Who Knows Your Brand?

What your nonprofit says about itself determines how much community support you will have. […]


Help Your Clients Design a Life

When you help your nonprofit’s clients plan their lives, you will create a significant competitive advantage […]


Happy Nonprofits Are Unique

If you want your nonprofit to be happy, successful, and sustainable, it must find a way to be unique. Your community and your major stakeholders will provide the support you want when you are unique in a way they value. […]


Solving Big Problems

Unless you want to surrender the uniqueness of your nonprofit, you need an innovative solution to your big problems. […]


Finding Innovative Solutions

Most nonprofits have long histories and highly experienced staff. However, history and experience seldom drive innovation. […]


Predicting Competition

Nonprofits are in a very competitive space and have a wide variety of competitors. Alternatively, each nonprofit is unique enough to avoid competitive situations. Which is your point of view? […]


Best Practices Versus Being Successful

If never making a big mistake is the definition of success, using best practices is a great insurance policy. Best practices are the actions that have been time tested to be safe. However, in a rapidly changing society, best practices are always going to lag and innovation is the best way to increase sustainability. […]
