One Basket with Too Few Eggs

Donor diversity is the key to having a sustainable funding stream and a nonprofit with a high level of sustainability. […]


The Neglected Donor

Donors are the lifeblood of most nonprofits. However, there are a large number of donors who are neglected. […]


Who Values Who

How valuable is your nonprofit to its donors? […]


Managing Your Donor Portfolio

Since a large donor base is a major source of income, it makes sense to manage the donor base carefully. […]


An Aging Donor Base

Unfortunately, every year some older donors leave a nonprofits donor base. As a result, it is important to be constantly adding donors. Recruiting young donors provides several benefits. […]


Three Stages of Donor Cultivation

Nonprofit donors need to be cultivated. Have you thought about what needs to happen during each of the three stages of cultivation? […]


Every Donor Is a Human

Fundraising is more efficient if every donor is treated like every other donor. Of course, no one would treat a high-value donor like every other donor. Are there other exceptions? […]


Distinctive Fundraising

Nonprofit fundraising is highly competitive. If your fundraising looks like everyone else’s, it is hard to be competitive. […]


The Generous Future

Making a donation is an act of faith on the part of the donor. They are expressing faith in your nonprofit and hope for your clients’ future. Here are a few questions you can use to prepare yourself for a conversation with a perceptive donor. […]


Funding Your Mission

It is important to have a mission big enough to attract the donors your mission needs to be sustainable. In other words, it is not the number of donors that you have that is important; it is the size of your mission. […]
